If you’re an RV traveler, then you know that finding good cell service on the road can be a challenge. Whether you’re taking a cross-country trip or just driving to your next camping spot, getting a signal can be hit or miss. But what if there was a way to ensure that you always had strong cell service? With a SureCall cell booster, you can do just that. These boosters are designed to amplify weak signals and give you the coverage you need to stay connected while on the road. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your RV travel experience, consider investing in a SureCall cell booster.
Why do we need a Cell Booster
When Sabrina and I lived in our RV full-time, we found ourselves in some very remote places with very weak cell signals. Sabrina and I used our RV to travel for work. She needed good cell strength to make conference calls while I would be driving us to her next work destination. We also used cell data as our only source for the internet by using two hotspots, one from Verizon and one from AT&T.
As we traveled, we would flip back and forth between the two hotspots using whichever service was the strongest at the time, but there were times that neither service was strong enough for the internet. That is when we decided to upgrade our RV with a cell booster.

We checked out the reviews on several different systems and decided on a SureCall cell booster. SureCall has several different types of systems depending on your needs, and they have one called Fusion2GO 3.0 RV. As you guessed, this one is designed for RVers and to be used while on the go.
How does it work
The system has an outdoor antenna receiving the signal and sending that signal to an amplifier that will then rebroadcast that signal with an indoor antenna through a wired connection. The system comes with two ways to be powered a DC power plug that can be used in a cigarette outlet and an AC plug that you can plug into any 110-volt outlet. Keep in mind if you use the AC plug, you will need an inverter in your RV to use the booster when not plugged into shore power.
Have we Noticed Improved Cell Signal
The short answer is Yes! We have been to campgrounds before and after having the SureCall system and have noticed a significant increase in internet speeds and useability. In some cases, we have gone from not being able to stream Netflix at all to having full HD picture quality.
Overall, the system has worked flawlessly. Sabrina and I have had the SureCall Booster in our RV for four years. We love how easy it is to use and how it consistently improves our signal. If you are familiar with our podcast, you’ve noticed I do all of the shows from my RV. Well, that would not have been possible without the SureCall signal booster.
SureCall Cell Booster Installation

Installation is pretty straightforward. I would say anyone with mild DYI skills and do the installation themselves. First, I attached the outside omnidirectional antenna to our ladder rack. There is no adjustment or aiming of the antenna to a cell tower since the antenna is omnidirectional. Then, I ran the coaxial cable along our roof to our kitchen air vent. I drilled an access hole in the side of the vent. Then I fed the wire through the hole and brought all the extra slack into the RV. I then used silicone to seal the hole with the wire in place, another perk of going through the side of the vent is that the vent cover acts as an umbrella for the hole I made.

Next, choose where you would like to place the amplifier. SureCall recommends placing the amplifier in a central location. We installed ours closer to the front of the RV since that is where Sabrina was making most of her calls, and our dinette table is near the front. Once I mounted the amplifier in place, I connected the coaxial cable to it and rolled up the excess using a zip tie to keep it from unraveling. The system comes with 40ft of cable. Our RV is only twenty-eight feet, so we had a good amount leftover.
The next step is my favorite because of how easy it is to plug the device in and start working. There are no settings on the device to select or apps to use. Once you plug the amplifier in, it starts working! You will see some led lights start to flash different colors. Once they all turn green, it is all set. The nice thing about the SureCall cell booster is that it will amplify all of your cell-based devices at once. There is no login or sign-ups that need to be done. The system makes a strong cell signal inside your RV for your devices to use.
We Like the SureCall Cell Booster So Much We Bought One For Our House
Sabrina and I recently purchased a home, and it is a bit out in the country. The area does not offer internet, and we have no cable TV. So, again we find ourselves relying on our cell data and hotspots for the internet. When we first moved in, we had trouble getting a solid cell signal to watch our streaming services in HD. So, we purchased a SureCall home system.
The system is like what we have in the RV, except the antenna is directional. This means we have it pointed at the nearest cell tower. The amplifier does have adjustments to tune in the signal. Once it was all set up, I have not needed to adjust any of the settings or the antenna direction. Since installing the SureCall booster in the home, we now can stream all of our streaming services in HD.
If you are looking for a way to boost your cell signals, I highly recommend the SureCall system. If you would like to hear what the company says about their RV booster, listen to the podcast episode here.
Take care all and safe travels!
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